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Rummy Multiplayer Online Card Game

Play NowRummy Multiplayer Online Card Game

We can falsify them easily. They have a point. If they know the game that we will be presenting you, their opinion could be changed.

Rummy Multiplayer is an online card game that has a dynamic and basic structure. You can play it when you are working in the next tab of your browser. It is that easy. But being easy does not mean it is not funny. It is an extremely fun card game. Give it a try.

Basics of Rummy Multiplayer

  • Rummy multiplayer is based on a classic card game rummy 500. Just like uno, you aim to get rid of all the cards you have. The player who achieves 100 points, wins the game.
  • To play the game you should put your cards on the desk in combinations. The regular combination is the following. Consecutive numbers of the same kind. For example “3-4-5” with spades.
  • The other variation is the cards with the same number and different colors and kinds. The kings, jacks, and queens cannot be combined like this.
  • Unlike other card games, there are not many complex card combinations. The only special combination is the hearts queen, hearts jack, and hearts king.
  • If you heard about "101 Okey" that is commonly played in Turkey, the logic is the same.

Rummy Multiplayer Walkthrough

Let’s rule the deck: Aganta burina burinata!

  • After we watched the advertisement, we access the game. There is a huge start button with white background and black text. You get the feeling of a serious pub. We click on it to start the game.
  • There are two buttons on the left top corner. The left one is to examine the instructions. The second one is to play the game in full screen. By the way, you can close the sound by the button on the top right corner. The color palette is so balanced. Yellow is in great harmony with the black. Under the name of our game, there are two big buttons. The left one is for play against the computer, the other one is for play against the real players.
  • We click the local game button. In this screen, we select the number of players that are 2, 3, and 4. We select 2.
  • The game explains the rules. We skip them.
  • The game gives us 10 cards. We draw a card when we start. There is no any useful combination. We give back the ace of spades to the pile.
  • The computer has no movements, too. When the round turns on us, we put the combination of sixes. We have three different 6 after we draw a card.
  • In the next round, the computer puts three different aces. That is a lot of damage, folks.

The game goes on like this. You can blow some steam in the office by playing this game.